OUZO Radio Show

Well, yeah, we got our very own radio show..!

It is hosted by RockaRolla Radio and you can listen with several ways.
  1. On http://Rockarolla.eu/ there is this shoutbox. View it better through this URL: http://rockarolla.shoutmix.net/
  2. OUZO chat room
  3. OUZO Community on Facebook, massive chat (do not forget to choose POP OUT so the chat window becomes decently big).
Every Sunday at midnight (00.00 - 02.00 GMT+2 Greece's local time) which means:
  • 14.00-16.00 Los Angeles
  • 16.00-18.00 Chicago
  • 17.00-19.00 New York
  • 17.30-19.30 Caracas
  • 22.00-24.00 Lisbon & London
  • 23.00-01.00 Amsterdam & Berlin & Copenhagen & Paris & Stockholm
  • 24.00-02.00 Helsinki & Athens
  • 19.00-21.00 Tokyo
  • 09.00-11.00 Sydney
  • 11.00-13.00 Auckland
.. and so on!
(Feel free to send me your city/country and add it up for pure emotional reasons..)

Sum it up..
http://RockaRolla.eu/ is the Radio Station that I currently have a daily show called "Ypnophreneia" (Mon-Fri 2-4pm GMT+2) and it will also host OUZO Community's one.
You can always listen to RockaRolla Radio for some good rock/metal music yet remember on Sundays we tune in for OUR show, while chatting and remembering some good old moments.

This will be updated soon.
